Stop the Spill

Campaign | Multimedia

"A WWF campaign to remind and educate people of the rising oil spill issue."

#stopthespill campaign is created to raise awareness about oil spills in B.C. An oil spill is the contamination of seawater by dumping liquid petroleum products. In 2018, the proposal of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline was approved by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. A 6.8 billion dollar pipeline will be built to move a mix of oil products from Edmonton to a terminal in Burnaby. This expansion will increase the number of oil tankers in B.C waters to 400 a year.

This issuematter because these accidents have impacted our marine life, including salmon and orcas. The orca population has been steadily declining for the past four years. In 2016 studies have shown that there are only 78 southern resident orcas left in the Salish Sea. These whales are now at risk because they are likely to inhale toxic crude into their lungs when they try to go to the surface of the water to breathe.

Merchandise Extension

Aside from the postcards and the bus stop poster. The campaign also comes with merchandise such as tote bags, key chains, and book marks for a memento. The artwork for this merchandise is to remind people of how beautiful these animals are without the spills all over them.