Teller of Tales

Branding | Packaging | Illustration

"A series of beverage packaging designs for a brewery located in Germany inspired by the fairy tales stories of Brother Grimm."

Teller of Tales is a brewery located in Hanau, Germany. The brewery is inspired by the background of Hanau. Being the birthplace of Brothers Grimm, the brewery heavily focused on the fantasy and unique fairy tales created by the two brothers.

Recently many breweries are using many different pastries to be used as an inspiration to make stouts. It is a style of beer that takes the sweet, rich, and dessert-like flavor to the extreme. The result of this technique is to draw curious new drinkers into beer’s embrace. Teller of Tales Brewery wants to pick up this trend. To create fantasy and sweet beers for tourists and young adults to enjoy. The brewery wants beverage packaging that can reflect the flavor of each drink. Inspired by the origin and background of the brewery. Fairy tales of Brothers Grimm were used as an inspiration for the packaging. The brand artwork utilizes storybook style and patterns to bring out the idea of stories and fairy tales. Each flavor of the beer has different tales from the two brothers that reflect the flavor.